I’ve Been Moved To the Injured Roster

My lovely multi-colored, swollen, and very sore left hand.

Last Sunday evening I took a bit of a tumble during Brett’s and my walk. I was looking over at the remnants of a fair/festival that had been going on in the park by the side of the beach path and not watching my feet, and my right foot caught the edge of the path and boom! Down I went. I fell pretty hard too, but thankfully my head hit the grass and not the concrete path. My hand and rib were not so lucky.

I felt OK enough after the fall to finish our walk, and felt kind of banged up in the evening. But when I woke up Monday morning . . . yowza! My hand was swollen, bruised and hurt something fierce, and my chest hurt like crazy too, including when I breathed. So, off to the ER we went.

The bad news was I have a hairline fracture on the side of my finger. It’s not a major injury, but I’m splinted up for the next couple of weeks while it heals. The good news (?) was that while I didn’t fracture a rib, I did bruise one pretty badly. The doctor said it will heal faster than a fracture, but be more painful at first.

I’m typing this with one hand (and making lots of mistakes), so other than a post I had already put together for tomorrow I’m going to take a blogging break for around a week or so, and then will reassess how I’m doing, Poor Brett – once again he will be taking on almost all of the household chores, plus helping me dress, etc. for a while.

Life can change in a moment, but I’m so grateful and fortunate the injuries weren’t worse. I’m also very thankful for our insurance – between Medicare and Tricare For Life everything is 100% covered.

While I won’t be actively blogging I’ll still answer comments, and hope you’ll give me some time to get to them (and not expect the answers to be too detailed).















18 thoughts on “I’ve Been Moved To the Injured Roster

    1. Ouch is right! The broken finger, which is splinted, is actually less painful than the bruised rib. That pain is constant and annoying! Thank you so much for the good wishes.


  1. Oh gosh! Being injured is always a bummer because who has time for such nonsense, right? ☺

    But, try and enjoy your enforced time off as an excuse to slow down for a bit. Catch up on old magazines, read, travel plan, enjoy old movies . . . this too shall pass.

    BTW, off to hike the San Clemente beach trail today, followed by lunch in town!


    1. Who has time for this is right!

      At least my legs are OK, so we’re still getting out for our daily walk. But there’s lots I’d like to be doing around the house that I can’t for the time being.

      I envy you your hike on the beach trail. A part of my heart will always be in San Clemente.


    1. Forced down time is OK for a while, but I can already feel myself getting antsy. Brett won’t let me do anything though, so I’m going to have to tough it out.


  2. Oh dear! Sorry to hear this. And really happy that you landed on grass. Take the time to catch up on whatever you can enjoy. As others said, forced down time.

    Although I suggested walking in your travel tips post, I have to tell you the cobblestones and variations in Italy are a challenge. The last weekend we were there, in Rome, I caught my foot on a transition point and landed on concrete. On my face. Ended up in an Italian ER having my head scanned. Today I’m off to my GP for a follow up and I look like I fought Floyd Mayweather. That said, I would still walk it. 🙂

    Take care and speedy recovery!


    1. Oh Laurel – what a horrible thing to experience on your trip. So glad to hear that all is OK even if you did get roughed up a bit. When I told Brett he said we will be holding on to each other tightly the whole time.


      1. Yes, I pretty much freaked out my DH and daughter, not to mention that adventure really draws a crowd. 😂.

        So glad Brett is keeping you down a bit. DH is doing the same with me. Like you, I don’t do nothing very well.

        Hope you heal quickly!


  3. Ouch, is right. I’ve had numerous fractured ribs due to my cancer (myeloma affects the bones) and they take a good long while to heal. Even if yours is just pulled or strained, it will take a while. Just chill thru it, not much you can do.


    1. I am so sorry to hear that you have had to deal with so many fractured ribs. Pain is my constant companion right now, so I can only imagine what you’ve had to deal with over the years. I’m chilling as much as I can.


    1. Brett is not letting me do much of anything. The whole thing is so annoying!

      I can’t even imagine trying to write a blog post now. I’m pecking this out with one finger on my phone – it’s as good as I can do.


  4. Wow! Heal quickly! Hope the trade winds are up and you can enjoy some sun (sun always makes things better 🙂 )


  5. Oh, no! Hope you heal quickly, Laura.

    It’s nice that, even while being injured, you have taken time to reflect on what you are grateful for.


    1. Thanks for the wishes. My finger feels like it’s healing, but the bruised rib continues to be annoying. Grrrr! I am grateful that it wasn’t worse, and that Brett is able to step up and take over many of my duties.


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