#Kaua’i: Everyday Color

One of the joys of living on Kauai is that every day nature provides an abundance of colorful delights for the eye, in all the colors of the rainbow and then some:

Deep purple

Bluer and bluest

Lush green (everywhere)

 Juicy, sweet yellow

Fiery orange
Vibrant red

Cotton candy pink

Soft, warm brown

Weathered black

Fragrant white

And sometimes we can see almost all the colors at the same time!

Oh so lucky we live Kaua’i!


4 thoughts on “#Kaua’i: Everyday Color

  1. Love seeing all of the colorful pictures! i’m so ready for spring to, well, spring! It is gray and rainy here. A few things have started to bloom but everything seems muted in the dreary weather.

    Also, I could almost smell the white flowers. 🙂


    1. I have yet to get tired of all the natural beauty here – it just pulls you in every time you go out, or look out your window.

      Sunny weather is on its way back, although now and again a few dark clouds threaten to take over. It’s still staying cool though for the most part – last night we were down to 58 degrees, which is bone-chilling for here.


    1. As tired as I got of the rain, I was always reminded that it’s the main reason everything here is so lush year-round, and that there is so much beautiful produce available at the farmers’ market.

      Rain seems to be one of those ‘feast or famine’ things in Florida – either there’s not enough or you’re getting way too much.


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