Ready to Go!

I’m ready to go to Japan!

My workhorse of a suitcase is packed full; just a couple of things to put in the morning before we depart!

My suitcase is packed with pretty much all of my summer clothing and my rolling carry-on inside. The carry-on is stuffed with all the gifts I am taking over for friends and family, so will be empty for the return trip. Hopefully this arrangement will give me plenty of room to bring stuff back without having to buy another bag in Japan. I have a new under-seat travel tote to carry on, with plenty of room for my laptop, Kindle, medication, snacks, and more. I also bought a cute handmade granny square tote to carry while I’m in in Japan as having a tote there is very convenient, and this one is big enough to use as both a purse and a shopping bag. I’ve loaded a train pass onto my phone so I am ready to hit the ground running when I arrive.

Brett is well stocked with food to get him through around half of my absence, but he will have to go shopping once or twice while I’m away. He has plenty to keep him busy here besides caring for Kaipo, including some easy cleaning chores in the apartment so we’re somewhat ahead for our move when I get back.

And yes, I have butterflies in my stomach! Thankfully, it looks like both my flights will be leaving as scheduled. My first flight leaves quite early tomorrow morning and I doubt I will get much, if any, sleep tonight. Hopefully I won’t be too nervous to eat something for breakfast. If I can stay awake through the first leg of my trip I’ll sleep for most of the way over to Japan in my (hopefully) comfortable JAL seat.

My next dispatch will be from Japan – see you on the other side!

28 thoughts on “Ready to Go!

  1. I’ve only been to Japan once and flew from NYC to LA and then LA to Narita. I stayed overnight in LA because that was the first time I’d flown that distance and wanted to break it up, but the flight from LA to Narita seemed like it took forever. Flying to Hawaii seemed quick after that, LOL. I look forward to reading all about your experiences in Japan!!

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    1. I was able to get everything necessary into the under-seat tote; the tote bag will travel over in my suitcase. I’ll have one cocktail and then it’s water, water, water the rest of the way for me!

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  2. U cannot remember if you are flying with the family or by yourself, but I hope you (y’all) have a safe flight and a fabulous time in Japan!!!

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