Sunday Morning 7/12/2022: Stormy Weather

Good morning!

What a week we’ve had, weather wise, that is. We had several storms pass through with strong winds, lots of rain, and cooler than normal temperatures. It was raining again just a few minutes ago. When I woke up on Thursday I was hard pressed to know I was in Hawaii . . . in July . . . because it was raining so hard, and the winds were so strong. Blue skies eventually showed up, but it didn’t get a whole lot warmer throughout the day. This was not a week for going to the beach or trying to set up an umbrella! The cooler temperatures have actually been a blessing in some ways though, especially making our walks in the late afternoon much more pleasant because there’s always a good breeze up at Kukuiolono. Sunsets this week have been hit or miss, but we enjoyed a few good ones.

Typical daytime view this week: clouds, clouds, and more clouds, and lots of wind to go with them. Rain too.

We got a full refund of our Aeromexico tickets this past week from our bank! I’m so glad we stuck with it and didn’t give in to Aeromexico’s stubbornness and refusal to refund. In the end we got our money returned for all of our flights except for the ones we had on Alaska. I’m glad we took credits for those flights because it looks to be enough to cover YaYu’s roundtrip trip to Pennsylvania in late August and her return home for Thanksgiving! She is definitely going back to school – Brett attended a webinar hosted by the college this past week and we are satisfied with all the precautions the college is putting into place to keep students safe. We are still waiting on the bill for the fall term though – that should come through this week – and news of her dorm assignment. 

Aloha masks

We are now considered “regulars” at Kukuiolono, and we chat and joke almost every day with other regular walkers (and everyone we pass exchanges a greeting). A couple of weeks ago we got to talking with one woman that we see every day, and somehow mentioned we had a big rosemary bush growing in our back yard. She said she loved to make focaccia with rosemary, so the next day we brought her a few sprigs from the bush. A couple of days after that she brought us a beautiful loaf of rosemary focaccia! We had also talked about mask wearing one day with her, and had mentioned we were going to buy a few more, especially for YaYu to take back to school, and this week she gave us four masks she had made for us – two for YaYu, one for Brett, and one for me. Over and over people here have reached out to us, and made it easy for us to connect and share as well. When I think I couldn’t love Kaua’i more, all I have to do is think about the aloha here, and how freely it is given, and my love for this place grows even more.

This morning I am:

  • Reading: I am still waiting on books to come off of hold at the library, so in the meantime I’m reading the fourth book in the Harry Potter series, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I finished Citizens of London this past week, as well as the last book in the Inspector Morse series, The Remorseful Day (and got a little weepy at the end). I’m genuinely sad that series is over, but grateful for the advice I got when we were in Oxford to reread the entire Morse books again – so many things made more sense this time, and I could picture locations and other settings as I read.
  • Listening to: It’s quiet inside (Brett is reading, YaYu is still sleeping), but the wind is fairly strong outside, and I can hear water dripping from the recent rain. Lots of blue sky is peeping out here and there so we’ll just wait and see what happens.
  • Watching: We started the third season of Ozark last night – what a wild ride it’s turning out to be!
    Just a tiny piece of peach upside down cake for me last night, without ice cream :(.
  • Cooking/baking: Lots of cooking going on this week! Dinner tonight will be chili pork sauce served over rice, and other dinners this week will be chicken risotto; chicken adobo with bok choy; CookDo mabo dofu; Snake Alley noodles; a Mississippi pot roast: and French dip sandwiches with the leftover roast. The Instant Pot is going to be getting a workout! I made a small peach upside down cake yesterday, and after we finish that in a few more days I’ll make a chocolate-raspberry poke cake topped with white chocolate ganache. We have discovered that a 1/24 piece of a 9″ x 13″ cake after dinner each evening is enough sweet for the day and doesn’t provide too many calories.
  • Happy I accomplished this past week: I walked six days this week (Brett walked seven) because I took Friday off. I intend to make this schedule a pattern: walk five days, rest one, walk five, rest one, etc. Otherwise, all we’ve accomplished are the usual chores and tasks around here.
  • Looking forward to next week: Our stored items have arrived on Kaua’i and will be delivered this coming Friday afternoon! It will be a mess for a while while we get things sorted and put away, but we are looking forward to it. We’re hoping for better weather next week so we can get to the beach at least once before Friday.

Our yard is blooming!

  • Thinking of good things that happened: Getting those airplane tickets refunded was the best thing that happened all week. It had been a frustrating issue to deal with, so I’m very happy it’s finally been resolved. It was also such good news to get an actual date and time for the delivery of our stuff. Our yard got its “haircut” this past week and is looking lovely (as always) – we’re especially enjoying all the flowers in bloom right now. I’m actually very thankful for all the rain we got last week – it keeps everything green and lush, not only in our yard, but everywhere else around here. The winds, although noisy, have kept the apartment cool as well.
  • Thinking of frugal things we did: The ticket refund covered nearly half of the cost of my new computer, so the timing actually worked out well. My old computer was sent back this past week, so fingers are crossed I get something back for it, although at this point I doubt I will get what was originally offered. Other than the farmers’ market, a trip to Costco for another flat of peaches, and a regularly budgeted food shop yesterday we had a no spend week, and we put $9.83 into the change/$1 bill jar. I earned 651 Swagbucks this past week.
  • Grateful for: I am very thankful that giving up Diet Coke has gone easier than I imagined. I honestly haven’t missed it at all, which was a huge surprise for me as I had been anticipating some serious withdrawal pangs. One evening this past week I did a Swagbucks survey that was all about Diet Coke – I was a bit afraid when it started that I might start craving the stuff, but it ended up having no effect at all (and I earned 75 Swagbucks).
    I showed YaYu a few minutes of the show on YouTube – she was too stunned to say anything.
  • Bonus question: What are the top five things you had in the past that you think your kids would not understand at all? YaYu is someone who has grown up with technology and could probably program the space shuttle back to earth on her phone, so it wasn’t too hard to come up with a list of things that would make no sense to her. My top five were 1) The Princess phone, with its illuminated dial. It was the iPhoneX of its time. 2) Train cases. 3) White go-go boots. 4) The technological marvel that was the IBM Selectric typewriter, and 5) The Lawrence Welk show (there is no way to explain this one). Brett and I were laughing so hard while we talked about all these things, and YaYu was confused and skeptical that such items/shows were popular or desirable. Other things we came up with that were a “thing” in the past were Spalding saddle shoes as a fashion statement, Wang computers, floppy disks, skate keys, and Gilbert chemistry sets that had real and sometimes dangerous chemicals. We decided not to get into all the ins and outs of TV watching back in the day including getting up to change the channel, having only three stations, B&W versus color, etc., all of which are completely unimaginable for her.

So far things have been going well with the lifestyle changes I’ve made and my new eating plan – it hasn’t been too difficult to stick to 1200 calories a day, and I haven’t had to resort to special foods or dishes. It’s all just been a question of eating less, using the MyFitnessPal food diary to keep track of things, and walking five to six days a week. Is it making a difference and have I lost any weight? Who knows? Our scale is coming in our shipment and so maybe next week I’ll have a better idea if weight loss is one of the things I’m accomplishing. The most difficult part of all of this has been living on one cup of half-caff coffee a day. I thankfully haven’t had to deal with headaches, but I do feel like I have less pep than I did before. I am sleeping better though, so that’s been a positive change, if nothing else. Brett has pretty much given up coffee as well. It has taken him a little longer to get adjusted, but he’s living with one cup of half-caff as well. 

That’s a wrap for this week! Here’s hoping it was a good one for all, that lots of good things happened for you, and that you’re looking forward to the week coming up!

28 thoughts on “Sunday Morning 7/12/2022: Stormy Weather

  1. Oh, the IBM Selectric! My mom, who wrote newsletters for our church and 2 other organizations, thought it was the 9th wonder of the world! She was so happy!


    1. That IBM typewriter was a wonder. I learned to type before it became widely available so for me it was a dream. It was one of those things that once you got a taste there was no going back!


  2. I loved your list of things your kids would not understand – getting up to change the channel was a blast from the past for me! I feel your pain on the half-caff – my doctor decaffeinated me a couple of years ago. I’ve mostly adjusted but still occasionally sense that lack of pep you mentioned and recognize it as a lack of caffeine.


    1. Yes, getting up to change the channel – all three of them, LOL. We’ve all become couch potatoes now – there was no slacking off back then.

      I always feel a bit sat/wistful these days when I take my last sip of coffee because I know that’s the end of that pleasure for the day. I miss the pep but I also miss the ritual of having a couple of cups during the day.


  3. I remember the 1st tv we had growing up was black & white & got about 3 channels. I remember my brother bringing home our 1st video game we could play on the tv. It was tennis that had sticks that moved up & down to hit the square ball back & forth, so entertaining. I have peaches that need to be made into something & the peach upside down cake seems like just the thing. Thanks for the idea.


    1. We never had video games (those arrived after I had moved out of my parents’ home), but I do remember the day a color TV was delivered to our house and my sister and I would not let the delivery man bring it inside and sent him away – we were both home from school that day, and it wasn’t that we were afraid of letting a stranger into the house, it was that we could not for the life of us imagine that our parents would actually purchase a color TV for the family! It still only had three channels, and no remote, so the only upgrade was color (which was terrible compared to today).


  4. When I was teaching, I liked to tell students about the time when you couldn’t buy a phone; you could only lease one from AT&T. Also, they couldn’t believe that college students were allowed to smoke cigarettes in the classroom (late 1970s).


    1. OMG – I forgot about having to lease a phone! And there wasn’t a big selection either – black, black, or black. The only way to upgrade was to get one of those silver-plated things that went over the handset (you could get them monogrammed).

      I went to college in the 70s, and none of my professors allowed smoking in the classrooms – that’s a new one for me. Even gum chewing was discouraged!


  5. My first full-time job out of high school (I went to college later) was as a Wang Word Processor. No manual came with the machines, so we wrote our own. I loved figuring things out, and wrote a good chunk of that manual. Wow. That was a blast from the past!

    And sending positive thoughts that things with YaYu and her on-campus learning and living continue to proceed as you all are hoping!


    1. I first used a Wang in 1987 when I worked in the accounting office at the Casa Marina Resort in Key West. Like you said, no manual, so we figured it out on our own. Fast forward to 1993, and I had a job in the alumni office while I was getting my MA. Our office was connected to Development, and there was guy there still using a Wang! The rest of us were using PCs, but he refused to give the Wang up. I always wondered how he transferred the information it contained to other computers when he left.

      It’s going to be a VERY different experience for her when she goes back, more like a cloister, but one that should keep to her and others safe while they learn.


  6. Wow, you did bring back some memories….that IBM Selectric was so cool at the time, and I loved watching Lawrence Welk! Thanks for the flower photos….so pretty! How about sharing your recipe for the chocolate raspberry poke cake and ganache? Sounds yummy!


    1. Lawrence Welk was required watching at our home on Sunday Nights. My siblings and I came up with a variety of nicknames for all the performers and would call them out when they appeared. For example, my dad once said the “Irish tenor” sang like he had a sandwich in his mouth, so after that he was always “Sandwich Mouth” to us. And who could forget the Lennon Sisters?

      The poke cake is easy. I bake a cake from a mix in a 9×13 pan, and after it cools a bit I poke it all over with a fork. I make jello with only one cup boiling water, then pour all over the cake (two cups would make the cake soggy). Then it’s chilled until the jello is set. For the ganache, melt a little over a cup of chocolate (or white chocolate) chips and add a half-pint of heavy cream. Add a teaspoon or two of butter to help make it shiny, then pour over the top of the cake and chill until it’s set. That’s it!


    1. My goal for each day is 50 SB, so anything over that is great. I don’t spent a lot of time at it either – I one survey, take the daily poll (1 SB), and do one search. That’s all. As for surveys, I only try for ones that are 50 points or more, and take 15 minutes or less. I refuse to spend more time on them. Sometimes I have to go through a few but I always eventually get one.

      We are lucky here in Hawaii that SB cycles on PST, so 9:00 pm here is when the day changes. I usually start a little after 9:00, while we’re watching TV and am done between 9:30 and 10:00.


  7. Here’s one for YaYu. Computer programming using cards with punched holes. You didn’t dare get them out of order and only one person could process their cards at a time. You then got a printout which showed all your mistakes and had to start all over again.


    1. OMG – the punchcards!! When I joined the navy one of the tests we took was to see if we could sort things like punchcards. (I just read YaYu your comment and she made a face like I was making it up).


  8. The first lavender flower is a Penta
    The second lavender plant is Cape Plumbago
    The first heliconia is Guadeloupe- my husband introduced it to Hawaii/Kaua’i in the early 90’s from the island of Guadeloupe
    The last heliconia is Heliconia Rostrata
    One of these days we must meet in person!


    1. Thank you, Judy! We love learning the names off the plants and flowers we find here. The Cape Plumbago is right outside our front door – I love seeing it and the blooms won’t quit!

      I’d love to get together – let me know a time and place that work for you and I’ll be there!


  9. I guess it’s good YaYu gets to go back to college, but I’m still a little surprised colleges are opening. I still don’t see how they can maintain social distance in a dorm environment, but maybe they can make it work at a small college. I’ve heard some other colleges around here are doing the same. I know Villanova and Seton Hall are.

    My grandmother loved Lawrence Welk. I never understood the appeal, so I’d have to agree with YaYu on that, lol. I was telling my niece and nephews (who range in age from 14 to 21) about the early days of HBO and how we only had 13 channels when I was a kid (70’s) and they thought that was hilarious. I learned to type in high school on the IBM Selectric. It’s amazing how far technology has come in our lifetime.

    I’ve lost 10 pounds since the pandemic started and that’s because I’m a lot more active now that I’ve been working from home and I also hadn’t realized how many meals I was eating in restaurants before. I’ve completely cut that out and only cook at home and the weight just disappeared!

    How nice that the woman you met on your walk made you some masks and a focaccia! Aloha Spirit.


    1. I think you are the only person to lose during the pandemic. I know that initially I way overate once I got stuck inside and added to my weight. I was horrified when I stepped on the scale at the doctor’s office.

      I remember when HBO was the only premium channel – such a big deal. And that the movies only showed at particular times – no streaming. The thing I keep thinking is that kids today will be telling their kids the same kinds of stories about the “antiquated” technology of today and what a big deal it was. Lawrence Welk really was a thing for our parents’ and grandparents’ generations. My mom used to watch the reruns on PBS (gag). Everything was so stereotyped too. And forget about the clothes.

      Bryn Mawr is a small school, but going forward the college experience is going to be more like living in a nunnery. No dining halls for meals – selections will be limited, and all food will be picked up and eaten outside or in your room. Your password will only get you into to your own dorm, so no visiting your friends in their room. No off-campus trips other than by bus over to Haverford college. No weekends at home for students who live nearby, no trips into Philadelphia, no shopping trips – once you’re on campus, that’s where you stay. Etc., etc., etc.


      1. I actually don’t remember much about Lawrence Welk. I was very young at the time, but I do know that I didn’t like it. They show reruns now and then so I’ll have to try to watch. Might be good for a laugh!

        Wow, that does sound like a convent. Knowing how kids that age are, I really wonder how many will be able to stick to the rules. You might have mentioned this already and maybe I missed it, but did YaYu find out if she’s getting a private room?

        Re: losing weight. Before the pandemic, my schedule was 3 days in the office and 2 working from home and the 3 days I was there, I tended to go out with a co-worker for lunch every day to various restaurants. It was fun and I miss it, but apparently I must have been way overeating because once I started cooking at home, the weight came right off. I’m at my goal weight now and don’t want to lose more. I also am a lot more active at home since I’m not chained to a desk like I am in the office. I’m really hoping I can continue working from home whenever this whole mess ends.


      2. My parents LOVED Lawrence Welk so it was required watching at our house. That was back when there was only three channels and we were young enough to watch anything. Even back in the day though the clothes, songs, everything was very hokey and old-fashioned.

        Just a simple lifestyle change and voila! You lose weight – I can see why you want to continue working from home. I know it’s going to take a while for me to lose the pounds the doctor recommends. I have cut back tremendously on how much I eat, and everything gets measured these days. But, I have tried to lose weight so many times that my body now resists.

        YaYu is currently having second thoughts about going back to school – she is not afraid for herself, but terrified she will bring the virus back to us when she comes home for the winter break.


  10. My grandma was a big fan of The Lawrence Welk Show. I remember our first B&W tv. Speaking of B&W, a friend & her child were looking at old B&W photos. He asked his mama, “When did the world get color?”


    1. The miracle of color was best exemplified by the “Wizard of Oz,” where Dorothy stepped out into color when she woke up in Oz. We all got the metaphor back then. Btw, the “Wizard of Oz” was shown on TV once a year – in school we would talk about it for days, and then for days afterwards. For those of us without color TVs, the whole thing was a B&W movie.

      BTW, I don’t think our 41-year-old son knows who Lawrence Welk is, and would be horrified if he saw it and knew we watched it every week. In his mind it would explain a lot.


  11. We came across an old Lawrence Welk rerun a few months back and started to watch it. It was SUCH a big hit with my parents and grandparents when I was young. It wasn’t really bearable all the way through. I can see why YaYu was speechless. 😂 I learned to type on a Selectric, and I was forever shocked at how slow I was on any other model. But that typing class has served me well over the years.

    Glad you got your refund! Sometimes you just have to keep drilling, and this appears to be one of those times. That kind of thing can make your day, especially now.

    The masks are cute! I just bought three more fabrics to make myself a few more…I’m bored with the two I made in April. This afternoon we got an emergency (loud, screechy) notice on our phones from our governor. Masks are now mandatory in all businesses and she wanted to make sure everyone was paying attention. I can’t say enough about how well I think she is handling this. Of course, she has her complaining detractors, but the minute she gives people leeway, things start to ramp up. Some idiots had a large party over the 4th in Washtenaw County, and there are now 43 positive cases and 66 exposed close contacts – and they extend into another state and up north in MI. Honestly, what is hard about this? Grrrr.

    And off I go to empty more boxes. Cheers!


    1. One of my dad’s other favorite shows, besides Lawrence Welk, was Polka Parade, a locally produced show – that was also mandatory watching, and we once went to the studio to see it filmed. Thankfully Dad also like Westerns (Gunsmoke, Wagon Train, etc. and shows like The Untouchables, so we got to see some of those as well if we couldn’t sleep – he’d let us come and sit with him on the sofa for a while and watch). I think the whole Lawrence Welk show in our family was because of my mom’s strict adherence to a rule of no violence in our home, either on TV or in play. She even had misgivings about the witch in The Wizard of Oz! No guns were allowed for play (my Dad, a naval officer, didn’t like them either and felt no need to own one) and no “scary” television shows. I had to go to the neighbors to watch movies like “Frankenstein” or “The Mummy.”

      We still need a few more masks – we thinking of going to Hilo Hatties and picking up a few in some Hawaiian print fabric. They are worn everywhere here but in your car or at home. I too DO NOT GET how masks are a symbol of tyranny or go against your rights, when I’m sure all of these people follow the “no shirt, no shoes, no service” signs, or submit to having their bags searched, taking off their shoes, and their bodies x-rayed at the airport. And so the disease continue to rage on . . . we’ll be well over 200,000 deaths by the end of the year.

      Our time with the boxes begins on Friday – I can’t wait!!

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Lawrence Welk. Meh. I was never a fan…..Now Ed Sullivan! I never missed it! LOL


    1. I loved Ed Sullivan and tried not to miss it. Señor Wences! Topo Gigio! And the Beatles! I would sit in front of the TV the whole day just to make sure I didn’t miss them.


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